Tuesday, 27 October 2015

South African Movie Nights

Whenever I tell someone what I study people get very confused. Most of them are not able to grasp the idea of our English and South African studies. “Why?” they keep asking, “What are you going to do after this?”. They understand the English part easily, but with the South African they struggle. 

“What language is there?” – another standard question, but I await it eagerly as it is a prelude to my favorite part. 11 official languages. There’s something that catches your interlocutor’s attention. “How come?” and here I go, with a brief history, reminding them of Nelson Mandela’s values, talking about the role of English and Afrikaans. South Africa is such an easy place to interest people with. There are so many stories to be told and Poles are the best listeners- attentive, surprised, intensely curious because what I tell them is nowhere near what they expected to hear.

We want to talk about South Africa. We want to share this country’s stories anyway we can. That is why we organize South African Movie Nights. We choose a movie that we find worth watching, we invite friends, family, teachers, strangers, everyone is welcomed, we screen the movie for them in Van Gogh, excellent local pub with amazing atmosphere, and then we try to discuss it, answer questions. Our South African lecturers are with us ready to share their knowledge and experience. It’s a friendly event, packed with interesting people with very welcoming and easy-going atmosphere. We find that it’s the best environment to encourage people to open to new cultures and share their own.

Last week on Monday we screened ‘Tsotsi’. It was our first South African Movie Night in this academic year and it took place in a completely new venue, so there was a lot of anticipation and wondering if anyone is coming. But people came and we can boastfully say it was a success. 

When everything was ready and our spirits high...

We started with welcoming everyone:

Then the movie started:

Our little crowd was interested...

Very interested!

And of course the discussion:

 And the after party! 

Of course we want to invite you to our next movie 'Invictus'! We chose this movie in connection with the Rugby World Cup. Despite Springboks' loss in it, we still support them wholeheartedly and want to share our enthusiasm by screening this fascinating picture, directed by Clint Eastwood. You will have a great opportunity to watch an incredibly inspiring story based on facts. Not only does it present rugby in a completely new light but it also offers an insight in Nelson Mandela's policies and values. 

We promise you will have an amazing time and we will do everything to make you feel welcomed and appreciated.

It happens on Monday 02.11.2015 in Van Gogh Pub (Żydowska 12) at 7 pm

We look forward to seeing you!


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